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Maximum Marriage

28 Couples Share Their Secrets for Happiness

By Peggy and Roger Dudley

Paperback, 160 pages

Review and Herald,

ISBN: 9780828017589

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Dream: Happily Ever After "When I first married," says author Peggy Dudley, "I had no idea of how to work through differences. Only after attending many marriage seminars, reading books, and conducting my own seminars did I learn the skills I was missing. Recently we celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of what we now call our resplendent marriage-the result of skills we learned from others. Now it's time to pass the secrets on to you."

Disillusionment: "I Chose the Wrong Mate." In story after gripping story, no less than 28 couples share their personal journey from irksome aliens to intimate allies. Their sometimes troubled marriages not only survived but flourished after they learned how to solve problems in a positive way. Now their wisdom can be yours.

Discovery: Beyond the Breakers, Smooth Sailing Life may not be a bowl of cherries. But with a little work a committed couple can turn their marriage into Cherries Jubilee!



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