Global Announcement goes here

Price, Availability and Discount Policy


Prices listed are in Australian Dollars, include GST and are only shipped to addresses within Australia.

The price displayed for a product on our webstore when you arrive may not be the price your local store can supply it at - on some occasions the price may actually be slightly more or less than the first advertised price you see. To see the correct price the item can be supplied to you at, add the item to your cart and then, once viewing the cart, you can set your shipping destination and click Update. From then on you will see your local store's prices and availability as your browse our webstore. We apologies for this hassle and will be upgrading our webstore soon to show the correct price when you arrive.

Your local store may not be able to, and is not required to, supply items at the online advertised price. While most product prices match between the stores servicing this webstore, some products prices differ from store to store for various reasons. The main reason for a few differing prices of an identical product is usually due to the stores each being independent and ordering separately. This affects the cost of some goods due to several factors, such as: varying quantity discounts, freight charges, fluctuating exchange rates, supplier price changes and more.

Stores are under no obligation to price match and/or supply an item at a price advertised by another store on the webstore.

Stores are under no obligation to supply an item that is listed on the webstore with a price that is found to be incorrect due to technical or human error. Any items ordered at an incorrect price will be refunded without being supplied and the web item’s price will be corrected.

Most items marked as $0 are not free and will not be supplied for $0 if purchased. Such items are either entered incorrectly or are new and have no RRP set yet and should be set to 'unavailable'. The ONLY current exception are the Quarterly Mission New Stories pamphlets, which are free (plus postage).

Stock Availability

Items are marked as 'Available' on their product listing because they are either in stock or thought to be available from our supplier, to be ordered in within a few days.

Occasionally an item marked 'Available' will not be able to be sourced (for example, has gone out-of-print) and so money paid for such items will be refunded.

Because items marked as 'Available' may not physically be 'in stock' at the store (but is 'available' for ordering in), check with your local store before visiting if you plan to travel to a store to purchase a specific item as it may not be in store at the time. Better still, buy the item via this webstore and select 'pickup' (no delivery charge) and the store will collate your order for you and email you when all your order is in store and ready for pickup.
We acknowledge this labeling is not ideal and a planned future upgrade to our webstore will improve this labeling - thanks for your patience.

While most items are either in stock or able to be sourced by each store, not all items are available at each store this webstore servies, and therefore these are not required to supply customers with items they do not stock.

Advertised Product Availability

Our eNewsletter is shared by several Christian bookstores around Australia.
While we try to ensure advertised items are in stock at each store in the country, it is possible that by the time our advertising is sent out, some items may either be sold out or not yet arrived (as was hoped) at your local store.

If you want to guarantee an item is available in store before you visit, you can either call your local store to check stock availability or order online and select ‘free pickup’ when you checkout and your local store will notify you when your complete order is set aside for you and is ready for collection.

Quantity Discounts

Any advertised quantity discounts only apply if the entire quantity of a product purchased to reach the discount threshold is supplied by one store only. When ordering enough products to reach the quantity discount online, the webstore will automatically allocate that item to a single store to fulfil – which may including ordering in additional stock to reach your quantity ordered.

NOTE: Customers cannot source items from multiple retail stores to reach an advertised discount threshold and receive that discount. If a single store does not have enough stock on hand to supply the discounted threshold quantity immediately, they will order it in for you. Customers cannot request on-hand stock from multiple stores in order to receive the quantity discount.