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Amazing Grace: A Bible Study Course

By Elizabeth Viera Talbot

Paperback, 79 pages

Pacific Press,

ISBN: 9780816356225

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Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound!

 Imagine two loving parents holding their baby for the very first time. Now try and imagine what they would do if their little one was snatched away from them by a kidnapper, determined to destroy the child eternally.

 If we can understand how a parent would feel, perhaps we can begin to understand the desperation God felt to get His children back. The story of His plan of redemption, is narrated from Genesis to Revelation and it tells of His rescue plan carried out through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. In fact, the Bible was written to announce this plan!

 The human race, buried under sin, with no possibility of eternal survival, could only be rescued with help from above. The Savior of the world came down to rescue His children, and the Scriptures are filled with joy and excitement, for salvation has been achieved for all who accept His plan. And He is coming back to take His children home! Yes! We have a Master Rescuer who gave us His gift of amazing grace!



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