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Garments of Grace

By Timothy E. Crosby

Paperback, 112 pages

Review and Herald,

ISBN: 9780828025522



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Heaven’s makeover starts with a new wardrobe. From Genesis to Revelation righteousness is portrayed as a garment. What does the metaphor mean? Is it a robe of character, or a forensic camouflage that covers the filthy reality beneath? Paul says, “A man is justified by faith apart from observing the law.” James says, “A man is justified by works, and not by faith alone.” Who’s right? Can inspired writers disagree?

You’ll learn how the TOAD (Traditional Old Adventist) versus FROG (Friends of the Gospel) controversy can be traced right back to the New Testament. How our pets help us understand righteousness by faith. What the problem is with bling. Why assurance is not the holy grail. And what makes you the gleam in the eye of God.

What you’ll like most: heart-leaping stories you’ll be telling your grandchildren. The conversion of Manuel Noriega. John the apostle’s relentless pursuit of a lapsed convert and bandit leader. How a wedding ring turned into a new church in Honduras. What happened when a Tutsi met the Hutu who thought he’d hacked her to death. And plenty more.



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