What the Bible says about Jesus' Return (Signs of the Times special)
By Signs of the Times
Magazine, 32 pages
Pacific Press,
ISBN: 643330047491
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Even a secular audience recognizes that something is very wrong in the world around them.
Hurricanes, fires, tornadoes, the natural world seems to be coming apart. All decency seems to be gone. People have no patience for each other any more. All we can do is fight to the death over things that didn't use to divide us. There are no answers to these complex problems. Is there any hope for the future?
The Bible predicted all this would happen--and more. It also gives us hope for the future, the soon-return of Jesus. But what does the Bible really say about this event and when it would happen? This new Signs special issue discusses topics such as:
- Has Jesus forgotten us?
- Has Christ already come?
- Four signs that Jesus is coming soon.
- How the world will end.
- Bad news or good?
- Are you afraid of the end time?
- Goodbye is not forever.
- Why Jesus waits to come again.
- What about the secret rapture?
Prayerfully give this fully-illustrated, easy-to-read, booklet to friends, family, and others who have questions about where this is all going. The included invitation to Bible studies could change their lives forever!
Martin Luther: A Man for His Time (Signs of the Times special)
BY Signs of the Times