Time Out! - Teen Devotional
Quick devotions for Teens
By Steve Case
Paperback, 128 pages
Pacific Press,
ISBN: 9780828015554
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He's been down the highway of life, and he can help you maneuver around the potholes.
This book is full of concrete, doable suggestions for making God real; for new ways of looking at spiritual thingsùhow to crash without burning for the failure prone, how to toughen up spiritually, how to deal with put-downs, how to forgive.
Don't miss the really powerful recipe for making new friends. "I guarantee," Steve writes, "you can have more friends than you know what to do with if you just follow the four steps I'm about to share with you."
Along the way you will tackle some perplexing questions, such as Why pray when God already knows what we need? Does God have a blueprint for your life? How can you know you're saved? "We are God's poetry," the author concludes.
These devotionals will help to bring your life back into rhyme.
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