The Story of Redemption - CHL
By Ellen G. White
Hardcover, 445 pages
Review and Herald,
ISBN: 9780828016407
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In the mid-nineteenth century Ellen White experienced a series of visions concerning "the great controversy of the ages between Christ and Satan." These visions inspired a small work entitled Spiritual Gifts, which was later expanded into a four-volume work, The Spirit of Prophecy. Later this material was further amplified and published in the five-volume Conflict of the Ages series.
This volume contains the heart of The Spirit of Prophecy, with additional material. In chronological order it covers God’s dealings with humanity from the primordial fall of Lucifer to the new earth, with behind-the-scenes glimpses often supplying details not found in Scripture.
- The Fall of Lucifer
- The Creation
- Consequences of Rebellion
- Temptation and Fall
- The Plan of Salvation
- Cain and Abel and Their Offerings
- Seth and Enoch
- The Flood
- The Tower of Babel
- Abraham and the Promised Seed
- The Marriage of Isaac
- Jacob and Esau
- Jacob and the Angel
- The Children of Israel
- God's Power Revealed
- Israel's Escape From Bondage
- Israel's Journeyings
- The Law of God
- The Sanctuary
- The Spies and Their Report
- The Sin of Moses
- The Death of Moses
- Entering the Promised Land
- The Ark of God and the Fortunes of Israel
- The First Advent of Christ
- The Ministry of Christ
- The Betrayal of Christ
- The Trial of Christ
- The Crucifixion of Christ
- The Resurrection of Christ
- The Ascension of Christ
- Pentecost
- The Healing of the Cripple
- Loyalty to God Under Persecution
- Gospel Order
- Death of Stephen
- The Conversion of Saul
- The Early Ministry of Paul
- The Ministry of Peter
- Peter Delivered From Prison
- In the Regions Beyond
- Paul's Years of Ministry
- Martyrdom of Paul and Peter
- The Great Apostasy
- The Mystery of Iniquity
- Early Reformers
- Luther and the Great Reformation
- Progress of the Reformation
- Failure to Advance
- The First Angel's Message
- The Second Angel's Message
- The Midnight Cry
- The Sanctuary
- The Third Angel's Message
- A Firm Platform
- Satan's Delusions
- Spiritualism
- The Loud Cry
- The Close of Probation
- The Time of Jacob's Trouble
- Deliverance of the Saints
- The Saints’ Reward
- The Millennium
- The Second Resurrection
- The Coronation of Christ
- The Second Death
- The New Earth
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