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The Sanctuary Pure and Simple

For anyone who wants to understand the sanctuary

By Kenneth Cox

Paperback, 112 pages

3ABN Books, 2014

ISBN: 9780988448735

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Sitting in the middle of the camp of Israel was the tabernacle of Israel, the center of everyday life with its rituals that pointed forward to the Lamb of God. This the people accepted by faith.

The plan of salvation has not changed. Just as they looked forward, by faith, to his first coming, we look back, in faith, to his life and death in our behalf, and forward, in faith, to the promise of his second coming. Therefore, there are great lessons to be learned from these object lessons God gave the children of Israel.

Because the demands of life are so great, I have tried to make this book pure and simple.

Kenneth Cox looks at how the plan of salvation has not changed. Today, by faith we look back to His life and death and forward to His second coming. Written for anyone who wants to understand the Sanctuary and learn the lessons for today from the object lessons God gave the children of Israel.

  1. The Court
  2. The Altar of Sacrifice and the Lamb of God
  3. The Laver and Water of Life
  4. Priesthood and the Levites
  5. Tabernacle
  6. The Golden Table of Showbread
  7. The Golden Lampstand
  8. The Golden Altar of Incense
  9. Veils
  10. The Most Holy Place
  11. The Ark of the Covenant
  12. Israel’s Annual Feasts
  13. Christ Our High Priest
  14. Incredible Prophecy
  15. The New Jerusalem


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