The Great Controversy Study Guide Vol 1
From the Reformers to the Millerite Movement
By Kurt W. Johnson
Paperback, 140 pages
Pacific Press, 2023
ISBN: 9780816368624
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Immerse yourself in Ellen G. White’s classic work, The Great Controversy, as never before with this first of a two-part series of in-depth study guides.
The Great Controversy traces the conflict between God (good) and Satan (evil) from the first days of the early Christian church to the very end of time. You may be wondering: Why should I spend time studying The Great Controversy? It probably contains a lot of disturbing things—persecution, last-day deceptions, Satan’s attacks on God’s people, disasters falling on the earth, and a lot more bad stuff.
Yes. You’ll find all those things—and more—in the book. But you’ll also find something else: God’s unfailing love. God does not want you to be surprised about last-day events, so He tells you the details ahead of time. God loves you enough to warn you of future dangers, to tell you what is about to happen and to assure you that He will always be there to care for you.
In each section of this study guide, you’ll find:
- key points from the reading,
- why it matters to you,
- how the content relates to the ongoing fight between good and evil, and
- thought questions to help you dig deeper.
Reignite your passion for God and His mission as you review God’s love and guidance in the past and look ahead to how He will guide and sustain us in the future.
"The Great Controversy is more than 600 pages—for most people, that is a lot of pages to read—and there are many key points to remember. My goal is to encourage one to read The Great Controversy, and to simplify the reading and study process. I provide background information, summarise key points, suggest what difference these points make in one’s life and then give the reader an opportunity to reflect about the “so what” personally or through smallgroup discussion. A person can read the study guides and quickly get an overview of the key points in a given chapter. I have had people tell me, after reading the study guide, that it gives them an excellent summary of the book and they are also encouraged to read the entire book." - Kurt Johnson
Spiritual Darkness Settles on the Church
- The Destruction of Jerusalem
- Persecution in the First Centuries
- An Era of Spiritual Darkness
Gleams of the Coming Reformation
- The Waldenses
- John Wycliffe
- Huss and Jerome
The Reformation in Europe
- Luther’s Separation From Rome
- Luther Before the Diet
- The Swiss Reformer
- Progress of Reform in Germany
- Protest of the Princes
- The French Reformation
- The Netherlands and Scandinavia
- Later English Reformers
- The Bible and the French Revolution
Religious Awakening in the New World
- The Pilgrim Fathers
- Heralds of the Morning
- An American Reformer
- Light Through Darkness
- A Great Religious Awakening
- A Warning Rejected
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