The Christian & Rock Music
A study on biblical principles of music
By Samuele Bacchiocchi
Paperback, 384 pages
Biblical Perspectives, 2000
ISBN: 9781930987142
In The Christian and Rock Music: A Study of Biblical Principles of Music, seven scholars of six different nationalities take a calm, balanced, and biblical look at the use of popular music for worship and evangelism. With one exception, all the contributors are trained musicians with academic degrees, passionately involved in enriching the worship experience of their congregations through their music.
The book has two major objectives. The first is to help people understand the true nature of the various styles of rock music and the problems arising from transforming rock music into a medium for Christian worship and evangelism. The second objective is to define those biblical principles that should guide Christians in making good musical choices. The aim of this book is not to dismiss all contemporary music as rock, because there are contemporary songs with music and words that are suitable for divine worship. Rather, the aim is to clarify how the music, words, and the manner of singing should conform to the biblical principles of worship music. Contrary to prevailing misconceptions, The Christian and Rock Music shows that the Bible clearly differentiates between the secular music used for social entertainment and the sacred music worthy of the worship of God. There are ample biblical and historical evidences indicating that music and instruments associated with social entertainment were not allowed in worship services in the Temple, synagogue, or early church. The reason is that such music would have tempted believers to turn their place of worship into a place of entertainment, as is happening in some churches today. The authors of this book believe that the same principle applies to the church today.
The Bible teaches that church music is to be God-centered, not self-centered. The notion of praising the Lord for entertainment or amusement is foreign to the Bible. Percussion instruments which stimulate people physically through a loud and relentless beat are as inappropriate for church music today as they were for the worship service in Bible times. At a time when the distinction between sacred and secular music is blurred, and many are promoting modified versions of secular rock music for church use, it is important to remember the biblical call to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness (1 Chron. 16:20).
The Christian and Rock Music is a timely book for today. It clearly delineates the issues and provides biblical answers to the problems that have caused so many Christians to stumble. For concerned Christians, this book may well be a musical survival kit in our compromising society.
An Overview of the Music Debate
- Defining the Terms
- Rock Music
- Contemporary Christian Music
- Acknowledgments
- Method and Style
- An Overview of the Issues
- The Morality of Music
- Rock Music Is Not Immoral
- Rock Music and Evangelism
- Rock Music and Black Heritage
- Rock Music and the Bible
- The Role of Luther
- Church Music and Adventist Theology
- Rock Music and the Endtime Deception
The Worldview of Rock Music
- The Evolution of the Concept of God
- The “God Beyond Us” Orientation
- The “God For Us” Orientation
- The “God Beside Us/Within Us” Orientation
- African Roots of Rock Music
- Revival Music and Afro-American Conversions
- The Influence of Humanism
Rock Music from a Historical Perspective
- The Beginnings of Rock Music
- Rock Music in the 1960s
- Rock Music in the 1970s
- Rock Music Since the 1980s
The Rock and Roll Religion
- The Rock and Roll Religion
- An Experience of the Supernatural
- Feelings Rather than Reason
- Worshipping Rock Stars
- A Pantheistic Religion
- The Ritual of Sex, Drugs, and Dance
- Sex as Union with the Infinite
- Drugs to Experience the Infinite
- The Rock Dance
The Rock Rhythm and a Christian Response
- The Structure of Rock Music
- Rhythm in Rock Music
- The Effect of the Rock Beat on Muscles
- Rock Rhythm and Sexual Response
- The Effects of Rock on the Mind
- A Christian Response to Rock Music
- An Unholy Alliance
- The Pulse of the Heart and the Rhythm of Music
- Making Hymns Meaningful
- A Ground-swelling of Contemporary Hymns
An Adventist Theology of Church Music
- Church Music in the Context of the Sabbath
- The Sabbath Offers Reason for Worship
- Holiness in Time as Holiness in Church Music
- The Mixing of the Sacred with the Secular
- Church Music in the Context of the Heavenly Sanctuary
- The Worship of the Heavenly Sanctuary
- No Secular Music Allowed in the Temple
- Lessons from the Temple’s Music
- Church Music in the Context of the Second Advent
- Worship in Anticipation
- Advent Music
- Advent Inspiration
Biblical Principles of Music
- The Importance of Singing in the Bible
- The Reason for Singing
- The Manner of Singing
- The Place and Time of Singing
- The “New Song” of the Bible
- The Ministry of Music in the Bible
- The Ministry of Music in the Temple
- The Ministry of Music in the Synagogue
- The Ministry of Music in the New Testament
- Dance in the Bible
- No Dance in the Worship Service
- The References to Dance
- “Praise Him with Dance”
- Dance in the New Testament
- David Dancing before the Lord
- Women and Music in the Bible
The Effects of Rock Music
- The Influence of Music
- Sound Waves and the Brain
- Music and Hormone Production
- Music Rhythm and Body Rhythm
- The Effects of Rock Music
- Addictive Power of Rock
- Body’s Rhythm under Stress
- The Pulse Rate
- Increased Production of Adrenaline
- Pulsating Light Effects
- A Deafening Noise
How Pop Music Entered the Church
- Early Rock Criticism
- Inconsistent Criticism
- Waning Resolve
- Evangelical Tendency toward Music Accommodation
- The Power of Culture
- Table of
- Societal Worldview Characteristics
- Naturalism
- Amoralism
- Relativism
- Rock and Religious Pop
Pop Music and the Gospel
- Entertainment Versus Edification
- Novelty Versus Creativity
- Immediate Gratification Versus Delayed Gratification
- Low Standards Versus High Standards
- Commercialism Versus Non-Commercialism
- Indulgent Versus Disciplined
- Prettiness/Grotesque Versus Beauty/Truth
- Aesthetic Imbalance Versus Gospel Balance
Rock Music and Evangelism
- Defining the Issues
- Sacred Music
- Rock Music
- Contemporary Christian Music
- Liberals Versus Conservatives
- Rock Music and Evangelism
- Ecumenical Music
- Evangelistic Music Versus Church Music
- Rock Music Draws the Crowds
- Only Rock Music Reaches Teenagers
- Rock Music Produces Excellent Results
- Practical Suggestions for Youth Rallies
Rock Music and Culture
- Rock Music and Its Cultural Roots
- Negro Spirituals
- Black Classical Music Heritage
- Rock Music and African Music Heritage
- The Real Origin of Rock Music
- Two Ancient Worship Styles
- Table of
- Two Worship Styles Today
- The Danger of Ethnic Pride
- Principles of Sacred Music
- Unity
- Word-Centered
- Praise and Thankfulness
- Ministry unto the Lord
- Godly Living
- Music Suitable for Heaven
Music and Morality
- An Historical Perspective
- Defenders of Music Neutrality
- Morality of Music in Ancient Cultures
- Music and the Fall
- The Message in the Medium
- Music Dictates Feeling
- Music Communicates Apart from Words
- Music and Human Feelings
- The Matter of Style
- Music Styles Reflect Theological Views
- Early Christian Music and the Concept of God
- Music Styles and the Concept of God
From Rock Music to the Rock of Ages
- How Rock Music Entered My life
- How Rock Music Rocked My Life
- Climbing the Rock Ladder
- Germany: From Top to Bottom
- The Return to South Africa: A New Beginning
- From Hard Rock to Christian Rock
- From “Christian” Rock Back to Secular Rock
- The Second Turning Point of My Life
- The Final Turning Point
- Making Good Musical Choices
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