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The Antichrist Identified

By Steve Wohlberg

Booklet, 32 pages


ISBN: 9781629130729

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Before unmasking the identity of the antichrist, author Steve Wohlberg, carefully lays the groundwork by discussing the meaning of the term “antichrist” and pointing out the necessity and importance of studying the Bible for ourselves before he artfully launches into the various biblical factors that identify the first beast of Revelation 13. With that foundation laid, the antichrist is then exposed, using the unmistakable identifying features that are detailed in Daniel, chapter 7. With that in place, history then substantiates everything the Bible reveals with overwhelming evidence. Reformers, such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Wesley, and others all knew who the first beast of Revelation represented.

That same beast is active in today’s age, and it’s making history. This beast also knows that he is the beast, so he does everything he can do conceal his characteristics. This beast attempts to put forth a false front so that people will not know who he is and be fooled into thinking that he is saintly. Author Steve Wohlberg points readers directly to the Scriptures so they can study and determine for themselves who this beast power is and cling ever more tightly to our Savior.



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