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Systematic Theology Creation, Christ Salvation (3rd Volume)

By Norman R. Gulley

Hardcover, 896 pages

Andrews University, 2012

ISBN: 9781883925710

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Is it all really about Christ?

Yes, says Norman R. Gulley resoundingly, in this third volume of his Systematic Theology. In another sweeping and yet incisive evaluation of Christian theology, this time focusing on the doctrines of creation, Christ, and salvation, Gulley drives home his overarching theme that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever" (Heb. 13:8), which impacts creation and re-creation (salvation). If we give up the supernatural reality of creation, what right have we to accept the other supernatural events throughout Scripture?

This focus on Christ has profound implications for our understanding of origins and our relationship to the Word of God. As Gulley notes, "The written Word of God is as unchangeable and authentic as the living Word of God. Belief in supernatural creation is as important as belief in supernatural Incarnation and supernatural salvation." For the biblically grounded Christian, it is impossible to accept the latter two without the first.

Thus, as Gulley says in the preface, this volume evaluates evolutionary theory as primarily a contemporary assumption that has led traditional theology to accept non-biblical ideas that are incompatible with the relational Trinity and with the biblical creation narrative.

As creation was in a specified time, so Christ came in time and in flesh as God's revelation to humanity. The salvation He embodies for humanity occurs in time—in His life, His death, His resurrection and ascension, and His ministry now in the heavenly sanctuary.

About the Series

In this monumental, comprehensive theological system, Norman R. Gulley argues pervasively and persuasively that Scripture, and Scripture alone, must be the sole foundation of authentic evangelical Christian faith.

Throughout, Gulley engages deeply and thoughtfully with all topics of theology, including God as Trinity, Creation, Ecclesiology, Eschatology, Old and New Covenants, Salvation, and the Sanctuary. He critiques them always against his basic credo of tota, prima, and sola scriptura.

This ambitious work is designed for both the committed student of theology and the general reader who will appreciate each chapter’s opening summary, concise conclusion, and helpful set of study questions.

About the Author

Norman R. Gulley is Research Professor of Systematic Theology at Southern Adventist University in Tennessee and holds a Ph.D. degree in Systematic Theology from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. He has worked in the Far East and in the United States during a long career of pastoring, teaching, academic administration, professional society involvement, writing and extensive worldwide travel as a visiting lecturer. He has authored several books including Is the majority moral, Christ Our Substitute, and Christ Is Coming! as well as more than 150 professional papers and popular articles on a wide range of issues in theology and practical religion. He is an active member of the Evangelical Theological Society and is a past president of the Adventist Theological Society.


  • Planet Earth and Its Heavens
  • Human Creation and Nature
  • Human Fall and Nature
  • Darwin's Journey from Scripture to Philosophy
  • Theistic Evolution--The Quest for Reconciliation
  • Evolution Questioned--General Evaluation
  • Evolution Questioned--Scientific Evaluation
  • Evolution Questioned--Global Flood


  • Redemption: Life, Death, Resurrection
  • King-Priest
  • Christ--History and Theology


  • Salvation--Cosmic Implications
  • Atonement Theories
  • Salvation Applied--Work of the Holy Spirit
  • Salvation Debate--Augustine of Hippo to Council of Trent
  • Salvation Debate--Post-Tridentine to Contemporary
  • Roman-Protestant Divide--"Evangelicals and Catholics Together" Documents


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