Skyscrapers - Junior Devotional
365 stories that build you up
By Eric B Hare
Paperback, 368 pages
Pacific Press, 2009
ISBN: 9780828024662
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You wouldn’t try to swim in a cornfield, would you? eat soup with a butter knife? study spelling words to get ready for a math test?
Of course not!
Would it make any more sense to ignore Jesus if you want to spend eternity with Him?
Well, then, go ahead and spend some time with Jesus every day! Eric B. Hare, legendary storyteller and missionary, crammed this devotional full of stories that will help you get to know Jesus—and have a happier life. You’ll get to read through the best story of all (just a little at a time), and you’ll even discover what Nehemiah, Christopher Columbus, and some Brazilian fishermen had in common (honest, it’s in here!).
So get started right away—it only makes sense!