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Rome's Challenge

Why Do Protestants Keep Sunday?

Booklet, 32 pages

Review and Herald,

ISBN: 9780828003780

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In 1893 Protestants were agitating for Sunday-closing laws in the United States. These reprinted articles from the Catholic Mirror condemned Protestants for claiming to teach “the Bible only” while adopting Sunday as the Sabbath, a day which has no authority in the Bible. It should perplex Protestant sunday-keepers to know that the Papacy claims Sunday sacredness as a sign of her authority. These articles prove very conclusively from “the Bible only” that Sunday is not the Biblical SABBATH (or rest-day).

  • Why Do Protestants Keep Sunday?
  • The Christian Sabbath
    • [From the Catholic Mirror of Sept. 2, 1893.]
    • [From the Catholic Mirror of Sept. 9, 1893]
    • [From the Catholic Mirror of Sept. 16, 1893.]
    • [From the Catholic Mirror of Sept. 23, 1893.]
  • Conclusion
  • Appendix 1
  • Appendix 2


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