Preparation for the Final Crisis
By Fernando Chaij
Pacific Press
ISBN: 9780816309399
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"Great changes are soon to take place in out world, and the final movements will be rapid ones."
-Testimonies for the Church, vol. 9, p.11
Historic, sweeping, and unprecedented change has come to characterize the last decade of the twentieth century. "Who could have guessed that things would change so fast?" is the question being asked by many witnesses to the unbelievable shifts taking place on the world political scene. But what of AIDS, the homeless, and the environment? Are the events now rocking out globe the ones described in Testimonies as "rapid" and "final"? How close are we to the long-awaited return of Christ? What changes will occur in the church before the loud cry is given.
Preparation for the Final Crisis organizes the dramatic events leading up to the second coming in the chronological form using passages from the Bible and the Spirit of prophecy. Its clear presentation of the last-day events is intended to guide the advent people as they prepare to meet their Lord.
Chronology of the Spirit of Prophecy Sources, by Arthur L. White
Introduction: A Panoramic View of the Final Events
1--Reform Movement Within the Church
2--The Sealing
3--The Latter Rain
4--The Shaking
5--The Finishing of God's Work--The Loud Cry
6--Persecution--The Confederated Powers
7--The Work of Deception: Spiritualism
8--The Early Time of Trouble
9--The Time of Trouble
10--The Plagues
11--The End of the Seventh Plague: Deliverance
12--From the Liberation to the Second Coming of Christ
13--Preparation for the Crisis
Appendix: Striking Facts That Fulfill the Prophecies