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Praying Like Crazy for Your Husband

By Tamyra Horst

Paperback, 127 pages

Pacific Press,

ISBN: 9780816324255

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As wives, we know our husbands better than anyone else does. God has given us front-row seats to our husbands' hearts. We know their strengths and talents; we know their weaknesses and struggles. We know them more intimately than anyone else does. And we can pray for them in ways no one else can.

Admittedly, it's easy to pray for our husbands when everything is going right - when we are crazy in love. But what about when you're so angry at him you could spit nails? When he's hurt you so deeply all you can do is cry? Or when you're so disappointed in him you wonder if marrying him was the right choice after all? How do you pray for him then?

With unnerving insight, Tamyra Horst examines the reasons we sometimes do, and sometimes don't pray for our husbands as we should. Prayer changes things. It affects the lives of our husbands. It changes them; it changes us. "We are a team. Husbands and wives. Heading toward a finish line together. It may be one of the biggest responsibilities we have in marriage. The responsibility and opportunity to stand beside our husbands and fight for them in prayer." If your desire is to be the woman God wants you to be; if you long for a stronger more intimate marriage relationship, then start praying like crazy for your husband.

  • Marriages follow weddings
  • Love well
  • Take care
  • All God created them to be
  • Jobs -- Parenting
  • He's someone's little boy
  • Guys and their friends
  • Gifts and talents, hopes and dreams
  • The things that hinder
  • Relationship with God
  • The problems of marriage
  • Praying like crazy together
  • Giving him to God


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