O Glorious Love: Steps to Christ in Song
By FountainView Academy
Music CD
FountainView Academy
ISBN: 77772107
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The youthful energy and enthusiasm that has gone into this project, Steps to Christ in Song, is captured in the music of this album. Our dream—to share the gospel story in music—took on a new dimension as we launched into a series where the music themes followed closely the spiritual themes of the inspired little book, Steps to Christ in this album.
- How Great Thou Art
- Why Me?
- Do You Know My Jesus?
- O Glorious Love
- The Savior Is Waiting
- Amazing Grace
- Create in Me a Clean Heart O God
- Feel the Nails
- Spirit Of God Descend Upon My Heart
- The Sinner's Prayer
- Faith Unlocks the Door
- Broken and Spilled Out
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