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Mount St. Helens DVD

Modern day evidence for the world wide flood


ISBN: 609722630405

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A documentary filmed at Mount St. Helens exploring how catastrophic processes at the mountain explain many geologic features we see around the world today. 

In 1980 Mount St. Helens erupted and quickly became known as “God’s gift to Creationists”. Thirty years later geologist Dr. Steve Austin returns to the volcanic monument to share about the catastrophic processes which reshaped the terrain and how they support the Biblical record of earth’s history. He presents his research on how the events at Mount. St. Helens reveal catastrophic processes in other geologic features such as the Grand Canyon and the petrified forests at Yellowstone. The formation of these features have been thought to have taken millions of years, but because of the events at Mount St. Helens, can now be explained by catastrophic processes, especially the Global Flood recorded in the Bible. 



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