Our Call to Faithful Creativity
By Nathan Brown, Joanna Darby
Paperback, 181 pages
Signs Publishing ,
ISBN: 9781921292859
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Thirty-two Adventist writers, artists and leaders challenge how we think about creativity and how we be creative in our church and in our everyday lives.
"The arts should flourish within Christian community and ministry because God is the Creator, Jesus is the head of the church and the Holy Spirit is with us." - Glenn Townend
- A Christian aesthetic for the arts: creativity and theology
/ Daniel Reynaud - Of truth and good stories: creativity and the Bible
/ Trudy J. Morgan-Cole - Yesterday, today and forever: creativity and Jesus
/ Matthew W. Gamble - When it doesn't make sense: creativity and grace
/ Bruce Manners
- The thing of it is: creativity and purpose
/ Terry Benedict - Carried on his breath: creativity and calling
/ Joanna Darby - In just six words: creativity and identity
/ Becky De Oliveira - Awakening the creative spirit: : creativity and the everyday
/ Graeme B. Fraeunfelder - Without tween coat, buffalo horns or pipe: creativity and criticism
/ Jotham Kingston - Give up your dreams: creativity and sacrifice
/ Andy Nash
- Thunderbirds, LEGO® and working with God: creativity and ministry
/ Tony Knight - Creative leadership for the non-creative leader: creativity and leadership
/ Glenn Townend - Room for the spirit to blow through: creativity and the local church
/ Ryan Bell - In our hands: creativity and faithfulness
/ Moe Ione Stiles - Curating worship experiences: creativity and worship
/ Nicki Carleton - The art of preaching: creativity and preaching
/ Alex Bryan - An itinerant pollinator of grace: creativity and stotytelling
/ Dick Duerksen - To stir as we have been stirred: creativity and culture
/ Robert Wolfgramm
- Colour me impressed: creativity and communication
/ James Standish - Reach out and collaborate with somebody: creativity and collaboration
/ Kyle Portbury - Creatively changing light bulbs: creativity and problem solving
/ Scott Wegener - From deep within the soul: creativity and writing stories
/ Kay D. Rizzo - A story like Jesus: creativity and imagination
/ David Edgren - Like little children: creativity and children
/ Karen Collum - Creativity begins at home: creativity and family
/ Kylie Stacey
- Being heard amid the din: creativity and mission
/ Gary Krause - Art that tells truth: creativity and evangelism
/ Neale Schofield - The spiritual influence: creativity and design
/ Anthony Rigg - Eureka! Creativity and science
/ Lachlan Rogers - My historical-prophetic imagination: creativity and history
/ Lisa Clark Diller - Eight portraits of faithful innovation: creativity and justice
/ Chris Blake - The art of life: creativity and living
/ Nathan Brown.
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