Lewis C. Sheafe
Apostle to Black America
By Douglas Morgan
Hardcover, 448 pages
Review and Herald,
ISBN: 9780828023979
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Born just as the Civil War began, Lewis Sheafe grew to manhood at a pivotal moment in American history. But instead of racial equality, the nation offered its freed slaves further oppression and injustice. Sheafestrong-willed, dynamic, and seemingly tirelesshad but two main objectives: uplift his people spiritually and socially, and consistently adhere to biblical principle in all aspects of life. In this gripping biography Douglas Morgan pieces together the life of this forgotten leader whose story sheds light on the reason that no lasting, separate Black Adventist denomination ever formed.
“Go Preach to Your People”
- From West Dedham to Wayland Seminary
- Pastor to Minnesota’s Black Pilgrims
- Social Center for a Proscribed People
- For Progress and Strength
- Early Struggles for Civil Rights
“Eminent Baptist Divine”: The Ohio Years
- Pulpit Orator
- Christian Endeavorer
- Race Advocate
“This Message for All My People”
- Obedient to Present Truth
- Into the South
- Mission to the “Talented Tenth”
- “Is There a Place in This Message for the Negro With the White Man?”
- Camp Nelson, School Plans, and South Carolina
- The 1901 General Conference Session and an Uncertain Aftermath
“Noted Apostle of Seventh-day Adventism”
- A New Faith in the Nation’s Capital
- The Daniells Plan
- From Nashville to Washington, D.C., via Des Moines
- Thousands Hear Him
- Color Line Drawn Between Adventists
- At the Center of Black Culture
- The “Right Mold” for Washington
- To Stand United Before the World
- Delicate Harmony and Renewed Opportunity
- The People’s Church: Profound Possibilities and Hard Questions
“The Separation Was a Sad Mistake”
- Confrontation Over Racial Injustice
- The People’s Church Declares Independence
- “Stop Right Where You Are”
- Equivocal Freedom
- Reconciliation Initiatives
- A Marriage and an Olive Branch
- Return From Midian
“One Minister Who Thinks for Himself”
- Shifting Ground in Southern California
- The “Volume 9” Puzzle
- Free Seventh Day Adventists
- Reversals at the People’s Church
- “The People’s Minister” or “Dangerous Apostate”?
- Adventist Garveyite
- The Quest for Broader Connections
- Legacy