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How to Feed the Mediavore

The 30-day challenge

By Heather Thompson Day

Paperback, 143 pages

Review and Herald,

ISBN: 9780828026352

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Our generation is connected to virtually anything and everything. All we have to do is tap an icon on our smartphones or tablets or click a button on the Internet and we have instant access to social networks, news, weather, music, games, TV, and movies. E-mail and push notifications keep us constantly informed and track our friends’ every status update. We don’t miss a thing.

Or do we?

Have we become so connected that we’re disconnected from what’s actually important? Is it really so hard to communicate with an unseen God when we text, tweet, and e-mail people we cannot see? Could it be that we’re not hungry for Him—we’re simply too full from gorging ourselves at a media smorgasbord?

Heather Marie Thompson challenges us to take a few moments every day for the next 30 days to think about what truly matters in life. Jesus needs us to connect with Him so that He can save us, but there’s no app for that.



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