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Desert Track and Jungle Trail

The Story of W. H. Anderson, Missionary to Africa

By Virgil Robinson

Paperback, 144 pages

Pacific Press, 2014

ISBN: 9780816349562



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"Whom shall I send... who will go? Here am I; send me." - Isaiah 6:8

With irrepressible zeal and love for the people of Africa, William Harrison Anderson set out in 1895, with his wife, Nora, and two other missionaries on what would become the journey of a lifetime. They traveled for six weeks by oxcart from South Africa to establish what is now known as Solusi University. Those early years brought many difficulties, including the dreaded malaria, which killed a number of their group.

By 1901, the Andersons were the only ones left. Undeterred, they forged ahead assuming whatever role necessary to further the work - builder, farmer, teacher, preacher, doctor, or nurse. In 1905, Harry walked nine hundred miles to search out a new location for what would become Rusangu Mission, now known as Zambia Adventist University. During his nearly fifty years of mission work in Africa, Anderson established the work among the Bechuanas, and opened a number of mission stations and schools.

Harry Anderson's legacy of faith and courage will renew your heart with a passion for service that comes through knowing Jesus as Savior and Friend.



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