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Come Search With Me DVD

Searching for the reality of god

By Subodh K Pandit



ISBN: 77772305

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So many religions, So many gods, So many "isms"... The world we live in is a maze of religious claims.

  • How do we make sense of what we believe?
  • Can we honestly say that there is a god?
  • Are all religions equally valid?
  • Can there really be just one God?

Come search with me is a 4 part seminar series that delves into the concepts of relativism, pluralism and exclusivism, while presenting the comparison of the five great world religions:
Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism and Judaism.

If you are trying to put the pieces together, come join Dir Subodh Pandit in an open and honest search for the 'truth' of the matter.

Let's look for God!



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