Planting Churches: Conversation Guide 2
From groups to plants to organised churches
By Peter Roennfeldt
Paperback, 48 pages
Signs Publishing, 2022
ISBN: 9781922373045
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This second of three conversation guides, separated into 12 sessions with 40 supporting videos (available online for free here), walks through the Book of Acts—to identify key steps in planting new churches and church formation.
Take on the challenges, excitement, rewards and drama of planting new communities of faith—of gathering new disciples into multiplying churches.
Why would you use this guide?
- When the Local Church or Conference is committed to planting churches to reach new districts, suburbs or ethne people groups.
- The Conference may run a conference-wide training or training of members who are prospective church planters in a specific district.
- The planned churches may be stand-alone new groups/churches or a well-established local church may want to become a mission hub that is planting other churches.
- The guide provides a comprehensive foundation for church planters through 12 x 90 min sessions.
- It is a deep study of the Acts of the Apostles and the book Following the Spirit provides helpful insights.
- All the essentials are covered such as theological frames, essential frames for church planting, centred set faith and church, the first church plants in Acts, transitional tipping points for church planters, Antioch case study, ethne and oikos mapping, following relational streams, planting in households, planting hub churches, preparing to plant a church, multiplication plan and district church planting plan.
Who is the guide ideally for?
- Pastors, elders, volunteer church planters.
- Ideally, teams are formed of 3-4 who will work together to plant a new church.
How is this guide ideally delivered?
- The workshop host is idealy experienced over a weekend retreat or delivered over several weekends / Friday nights / Sabbath afternoons.
- Ideal for Zoom formats too.
- The program is modular so it enables a lot of flexibility for scheduling.
- Ideally, the group is divided up into separate tables of 3-4 people who form a distinct team per table (or with breakout groups on zoom with consistent group members).
What resources does a host need?
The host/facilitator needs this Conversation Guide 2 and the 40 accompanying videos to show (free from here).
What resources does a participant need?
- The Conversation Guide 2: Planting Churches—in which to write notes and plans (supply pens)
- A supply of Discovery Bible Reading bookmarks
- A copy of Acts of the Apostles
- A copy of Following the Spirit
- Most will also want to read If You Are Thirsty you can be Spirit Filled
- Participants to bring their own Bible
- Ideally, the workshops are done with opportunities to share meals together in groups
- The Great Commission: Matthew 28:16-20
- Why plant churches?
- Criteria for organizing
- Sustainability
- Functional structures
- Theological frame –church planting fl ows from God’s heart
- Jesus’ method—disciple-making: John 20:19-23
- Harvest model: Mark 4:26-29
- Jesus’ teaching—disciple-making: Luke 10:1-24
- Jesus’ idea of Church: Matthew 16:13-21; 18:15-20
- Centred-set faith and church
- 1. Prepare
- 1. Teams
- 2. Places
- 3. Prayer
- CLARIFY—Preparing
- 2. Sow
- Antioch—A Case Study
- Paul—Pioneer Church Planter
- Journey 1 Following relational streams (ethnē )
- Journey 2 Planting in households (oikos)
- Journey 3 Establishing a church planting hub
- 3. Cultivate
- CLARIFY—Sowing & Cultivating
- 4. Gather
- 1. Groups
- 2. Church plants
- School campus based church plants
- 5. Multiply
- Jesus’ and Paul’s models
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