A Taste of Travel
Vegetarian soups and stews from around the world
By Nancy Lyon Kyte
Paperback, 160 pages
Pacific Press, 2012
ISBN: 9780816328710
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One thing held in common by most cultures is the pleasure found in sitting down to enjoy a warm bowl of warm soup or stew. Nancy Lyon Kyte has collected - and taste tested - recipes from more than 130 countries around the world, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe.
In A Taste of Travel you will feast your eyes on the bounty of fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains that nourish us. Along with each recipe you will learn about the customs, traditions, and people who form part of the incredible network we call the human family. Enjoy!
- Afghanistan
Carrot and Orange Soup - Albania
White Bean and Mint Soup - Algeria
Spicy Vegetable-Noodle Soup - Andorra
Quick Tomato-Bread Soup - Antigua and Barbuda
Pigeon Pea Soup - Argentina
Deluxe Hearts of Palm Soup - Armenia
Burnished Apricot–Lentil Soup - Australia
Pumpkin-Macadamia Soup - Austria
Paprika-Potato Soup - Azerbaijan
Yogurt, Walnut, Mint Soup - Bahamas
Papaya Sunset Soup - Bahrain
Tomato-Garbanzo Soup - Barbados
Red Bean and Bell Pepper Soup - Belgium
Creamy Belgian Endive Soup - Belize
Easy Green Chile Stew - Bhutan
Gluten-Pepper Stew - Bolivia
Lima Bean–Vegetable Soup - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Chilled Eggplant and Buttermilk Soup - Botswana
Pumpkin-Corn Soup - Brazil
Black Bean and Sweet Potato Stew - Bulgaria
Fresh Fennel Soup - Burkina Faso
Cool Avocado Soup - Burundi
Mixed Bean and Celery Soup - Cambodia
Cilantro-Lime Soup - Cameroon
Millet-Vegetable Soup - Canada
Yellow Split-Pea Soup - Central African Republic
Spinach-Pepper Stew - Chile
Chilled Strawberry Soup - China
Snow Pea and Bok Choy Soup - Colombia
Sancocho - Cote d’Ivoire
Chocolate Velvet Soup - Croatia
Kohlrabi-Vegetable Soup - Cuba
Cuban Black Bean Soup - Cyprus
White Bean–Tomato Soup - Czech Republic
Apple-Sauerkraut Stew - Denmark
Apple Pleasure Soup - Dominican Republic
Hearty Plantain Soup - Ecuador
Peanut-Vegetable Soup - Egypt
Pharoah’s Fruit and Filbert Stew - El Salvador
Tortilla Soup - England
Hearty English Cheese Soup - Equatorial Guinea
Banana-Mango Soup - Estonia
Creamy Cabbage Soup - Ethiopia
Mamitu’s Potato-Cabbage Stew - Fiji
Roasted Carrot and Maple Syrup Soup - Finland
Split Pea Soup - France
Velvet Green Bean–Parmesan Soup - Georgia
Red Bean and Walnut Soup - Germany
Crock-Pot Potato Soup - Ghana
Eggplant-Okra Stew - Greece
Zucchini-Tahini Soup - Guatemala
Fresh Corn Soup - Guyana
Sweet Potato Stew With Dumplings - Haiti
Citrus-Cantaloupe Soup - Honduras
Black Bean–Mango Soup - Hungary
Chilled Cherry Soup - Iceland
Split Pea–Rutabaga Stew - India
Savory Garbanzo Stew - Indonesia
Green Bean–Coconut Soup - Iran
Pistachio Soup - Iraq
Barley, Lentil, and Fresh Herb Soup - Ireland
Emerald Isle Oatmeal Soup - Israel
Matzo Ball Soup - Italy
Bella Bright Minestrone - Jamaica
Sweet Mango Soup - Japan
Udon Noodle Soup - Jordan
Lentil-Vermicelli Soup - Korea
Icy Cucumber Soup - Laos
Handful Soup - Latvia
Tomato-Basil Soup - Lebanon
Lentil, Bean, and Bulgur Stew - Liberia
Black-Eyed Pea Soup - Libya
Cauliflower-Onion Soup - Liechtenstein
Almond-Buttermilk Soup - Lithuania
Chilled Beet Soup - Luxembourg
Creamy Green Bean–Potato Soup - Madagascar
Vanilla Bean–Pumpkin Soup - Malawi
Creamed Cabbage Soup - Malaysia
Baby Bok Choy–Cashew Soup - Mexico
Pozole - Moldova
Red Soup - Monaco
Corduroy Carrot Soup - Mongolia
Broccoli-Tofu Soup - Montenegro
Roasted Eggplant and Tomato Soup - Morocco
Carrot Soup With Cilantro Drizzle - Myanmar
Burmese Stacked Soup - Namibia
Tomato-Corn Chowder - Nepal
Baby Spinach and Lentil Stew - Netherlands
Creamy Brussels Sprouts Soup - New Zealand
Sweet Potato–Parsnip Soup - Norway
Sweet Raisin and Rice Soup - Oman
Hummus, Tahini, and Pasta Soup - Pakistan
Spicy Cauliflower and Potato Stew - Panama
Potato, Cheese, and Avocado Soup - Papua New Guinea
Sweet Potato and Red Lentil Soup - Paraguay
Zucchini-Rice Soup - Peru
Polka-Dot Potato Soup - Philippines
Tofu-Corn Soup - Poland
Blueberry Summer Soup - Portugal
Mediterranean Red Bell Pepper Soup - Qatar
Tomato-Vegetable Soup - Romania
Apple Orchard Soup - Russia
Mushroom-Barley Soup - Saudi Arabia
Lentil-Zucchini Soup - Scotland
Scottish Broth - Senegal
Regal Cream Soup With Cherry Tomatoes - Serbia
Raspberry Soup - Singapore
Orange-Ginger-Carrot Soup - Somalia
Mild Curried Corn Soup - South Africa
Butternut Squash Soup - Spain
Gazpacho Rico - Sri Lanka
Curried Lentil Stew - Sweden
Winter Fruit Soup - Switzerland
Barley Knob Soup - Syria
Lemon, Lentil, and Bulgur Soup - Taiwan
Chinese Noodle Soup - Tanzania
Golden Bean and Coconut Stew - Thailand
Coconut-Mushroom Soup - Tibet
Potato-Barley Soup - Trinidad and Tobago
Black-Eyed Pea and Bell Pepper Soup - Tunisia
Peanut-Tomato Soup - Turkey
Cucumber Salad Soup - Uganda
Savory Sweet Pea Soup - Ukraine
Ruby Borscht - United Arab Emirates
Butter Bean–Carrot Soup - United States
Mushroom and Wild Rice Soup - Uzbekistan
Fragrant Pomegranate-Lentil Soup - Venezuela
Asparagus Soup - Vietnam
Curried Mushroom-Carrot Soup - Wales
Leek and Potato Soup - Western Sahara
Sweet Potato–Date Soup - Yemen
Lentil and Green Pea Stew - Zambia
Sweet Potato–Turnip Stew - Zimbabwe
Peanut Butter–Spinach Stew
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